Book Of the Week Library
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Week 13 – A Tryal of Glasse
No visit to Historic Jamestowne is complete without a visit to the Glasshouse. America’s first English industrial manufacture began here with a “trial of glass”. At “glass point” near Jamestown, the glass furnaces were rediscovered and excavated in 1948. Today, in a reconstructed, interpretive facility, glassblowing is again performed at Jamestown. Modern artisans, in reproductive clothing, produce common glass objects very much as they must have done almost 400 years ago. This book makes you part of the history of the art of glass and glassmaking.

Week 12 – Discover America’s National Parks: George Washington
As the “father” of the United States, George Washington would be revered for generations to come. His friend and neighbor, General “Light-Horse Harry” Lee, eulogized, “He was first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen.” But before he was any of these things, he was a boy from Virginia who longed for adventure and liked to swim and ride and read. How did he become the man who helped create the United States of America? This is the story of the remarkable life of George Washington.

Week 11 – America’s National Parks a Photographic Journey
The images of breathtaking historical and natural wonders captured in this week’s book of the week had us feeling inspired to explore. What better place to start than with the park on the cover, the 469-mile Blue Ridge Parkway? Join us for a virtual road trip on “America’s Favorite Drive”! We’re going to stop at some of the BRP’s most beloved destinations to learn more about the history, culture, and outdoor adventure found in some of the world’s oldest mountains.

Week 10 – The Park in Pictures: Gulf Islands National Seashore
Hot white sand, cool blue water, barrier islands and coastal forests rich in wildlife, and a diverse array of historical sites and structures make Gulf Islands National Seashore one of the most popular and appealing of America’s coastal parks. This book takes you on a visual adventure! No wonder millions of visitors come every year from near and far to swim, fish, camp, watch wildlife, learn about American history, and relax in the shade of live oaks and beach umbrellas. A hotbed of diversity caressed by cool breezes from the Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Islands National Seashore wins hearts, engages the intellect, and soothes the harried spirit. Enjoy your journey!

Week 9 – Asians and Pacific Islanders and the Civil War
In the last several decades, a small group of historians, researchers, writers, and Civil War enthusiasts have begun to recover the stories of these forgotten warriors – the Asians and Pacific Islanders who fought in the Civil War. How many others have slipped into obscurity without acknowledgment of their contribution to this nation’s history? Lack of documentation makes it difficult to find these men, but researchers have identified several hundred soldiers and sailors who served from Asia and the Pacific Islands. Some fought for the Union and some for the Confederacy. There are, perhaps, many more. Take a journey to learn more about these brave souls!

Week 8 – The George Washington Memorial Parkway, A Photo History Guide
Travel through time along the George Washington Memorial Parkway and explore the stories, changes, challenges, and natural wonders of the past and present. Located in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., the Parkway offers a wide variety of experiences for everyone! Few figures in United States history are more revered than George Washington– a Revolutionary commander-in-chief, founding father, and first U.S. President. Washington lives on through innumerable places of tribute and through countless national and popular icons. Yet, the sites in and around his namesake city can claim special significance, for this is where he lived, worked, worshiped and planned for the future of this great nation.

Week 7 – American Indians and the Civil War
History is a powerful tool for the future! American Indian tribes understand the value of passing knowledge through an oral tradition and the responsibility of being present and respectful when receiving the honor of that knowledge. American Indians are often referenced in a historical context without relevance to the present or as part of the overall thread of the American story. This amazing book “American Indians and the Civil War” adds a tribal voices to another chapter of American history, documenting oral tradition for generations to come while validating generations past. This book serves as catalyst to encourage people to embrace the inclusion of authentic American Indian interpretation into the context of this country’s past, present, and future.

Week 6 – Mister Magnificent’s Magical Merrimack Adventure
As a bonus you can read along with Lowell National Historical Park Ranger MB here. Explore the story of the people of the Merrimack River with Socheata, Clarice, Nicholas and Patrick as they soar over the river and through time on a magical hot air balloon ride. This well-loved book was written and illustrated by UMass Lowell Professor Ingrid Hess with input from staff of the Tsongas Industrial History Center and Lowell NHP. A fun interactive story time for the whole family! After storytime, visit our virtual passport hub for downloadable cancellations and links to more ways to extend the experience at Lowell NHP.

Week 5 – History of Civil Rights in America
Despite the assertion that all men are created equal, freedom has not been a reality for all Americans. At the heart of the American struggle for civil rights is the desire to change that. The parks and monuments included in this book tell the story of Americans seeking to make their lives and the lives of others better. Visit these sites and experience the history firsthand. It will change your life.

Week 4 – Cumberland Gap: Pathway to a Land of Myth and Mystery
The stunning photography of Pathway to a Land of Myth and Mystery will carry you to the rugged mountains, historic landmarks, and distant vistas of this majestic park. Yours free!

Week 3 – Frederick Douglass: A Voice For Freedom and Justice
This week’s book of the week is A Voice for Freedom and Justice: Frederick Douglass’s Thoughts and Orations Over Time. Check it out!

Week 2 – Skuggs The Patriot Squirrel Who Helped Save America
Charmingly illustrated, this is the delightful tale of Skuggs, a mischievous squirrel who goes on adventures with Ben Franklin and helps save the Declaration of Independence!

Week 1 – Women Making History: The 19th Amendment
Made in collaboration with the National Park Service, Women Making History features essays and historical photographs of the incredible journey and sacrifices suffragists made to get the vote.

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