The best part about working for Eastern National…there are so many to mention.
- We have an awesome team and awesome mission.
- Everyone is dedicated and hard-working, but they know how to have fun while doing it.
- It’s rewarding to see how our retail sales support educational programs in parks.
The culture fits my personality. We’re dedicated, but not too serious and know how to have fun and laugh. We work where retail and education intersect and are passionate about national parks and public lands. We are fair, supportive, and work as a team and team members are empowered to make a difference.

I have been with Eastern National since 1987 when I started as a staff accountant, reconciling bank statements, filing sales tax returns, and performing internal audits at the headquarters location.

In 1995 the regional manager position in Philadelphia opened up, I applied and got the position! I was the Philadelphia regional manager for 11 years based out of Independence National Historical Park. This was probably the most rewarding experience of my professional career. Working in a national park and interacting with visitors on a regular basis was fun. Sharing my knowledge about early American history and helping visitors navigate through the historic district and city of Philadelphia made every day enjoyable. My role after regional manager brought me back to headquarters to work in operations. In 2011 I became Chief Operating Officer for Eastern National and in 2015 President & CEO. Throughout the years I’ve been fortunate to have many mentors and peers who have supported my professional growth. I am grateful to so many for their guidance and continued support.
Kevin Kissling, Eastern National President & CEO and employee since 1987.