Meet Chastity – Assistant Store Manager, Flight 93 National Memorial

Sep 27, 2019Uncategorized

photo of Chastity H., wearing sunglasses, outside at Flight 93 National Memorial. American flag is visible flying in the background.

“I have been with Eastern National dba America’s National Parks since July 1, 2004, starting out as a part time employee at Fort Necessity National Battlefield and Friendship Hill National Historic Site and several years later I was promoted to Site Manager at those same sites. America’s National Parks current President/CEO, Kevin Kissling is the one who hired me in 2004, when he was the Regional Manager for the sites. In August 2015, I became the Assistant Store Manager at Flight 93 National Memorial and have continued to grow.

photo of Chastity H., wearing sunglasses, outside at Flight 93 National Memorial. American flag is visible flying in the background.

On a day to day basis there is a sense that we are working towards a grand achievable vision and I proudly see us making strides towards it every day and making it a reality. My opinion matters and so does everybody else’s and my job gives me the opportunity to have a positive impact on people’s lives and make a different every day. I go home each night and know I made a real difference in a visitor’s trip to the park.

Every day is different, challenging and exciting! No two days are the same.

There is always something new to learn to better serve our visitors and I look forward to more opportunities to come!”

Chastity H., Asst. Store Manager at Flight 93 Memorial park store and America’s National Park employee since 2004.